Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pueto Vallarta

On March 18th I flew a trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. It was a smooth flight with really great passengers. Puerto Vallarta is a beautiful resort that offers 5 star hotels, excellent food, service and a great value for your dollar. The weather was much like San Diego. Not a cloud in the sky with highs in the 70s and lows in the high 50s.
Beside the pleasure of flying a Falcon 900, I also had the opportunity to experience a Canopy Tour of the Sierra Madres Mountains. You ride ATVs through the jungles of Mexico to a base camp in the mountains. There you are fitted and instructed on how to "fly" a zip line (thick cable) 1000ft across mountain peaks while looking down 600 ft. What a RUSH! If you ever have the chance to experience a Canopy Tour, don't pass it up. We ended up doing two practice runs and 12 actual "ZIP" lines. Some of the lines took you high above the terrain while others went right through the dense jungle canopy. I even brought home some battle scars as I failed to stop prior to reaching the end and my legs made contact with the cable. Well worth the experience.
For those looking for a great vacation spot your U.S. dollars will get you far in Mexico. Lots to see and do. Next time I will try the scuba diving.

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